Give Online
give online to our general Fund or to one of our SPECIFIC ministries.
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Text to Give
Whether you want to set up reoccuring donations or GIVE a one time donation, giving has never been easier. Text “$” and the amount you'd like to give to:
Other Gifts
Donating something else? contact our Finance Coordinator, Valerie Donahue to set up your gifts to the church.
Estimate of Giving
What is Estimate of giving?
Estimate of Giving is an act of generosity back to God - a conscious decision to make a sacrifice for him. It comes from the heart and should only be motivated by love and generosity, and never shame or guilt.
Scripturally, God calls us to tithe 10% of our income back to him. It’s a spiritual practice and one that should be taken seriously. Great harm is done when a tithe is made for reasons other than love and generosity, to you and to your relationship with God. More importantly, the 10% is a starting point - not a rule. Everything you have, God gave you. If 10% is too much, that’s not bad - God knows what you have and loves you. Give what you feel is a sacrifice of love. For some, 10% might feel too little - we serve a God of generosity, and the closer we draw near the more we see how little we need for ourselves.
Regardless of your choice and amount, God loves you. Every tithe helps, no matter how big or small, and all go to his glory and mission here at Argyle UMC.
How to participate?
By Participating to give, you allow the church to plan.
Each year, our Finance Committee sets a General Budget based on the pledges the church family makes. This budget helps us manage God’s gifts to our church - through your generosity - and determine how best to serve his mission. Where a tithe is a one-time act of generosity, a pledge is a commitment spanning an entire year. The size of a pledge isn’t what matters. $20 or $20,000, is a meaningful and appreciated gift. It’s all about the conscious decision to make a sacrifice for God consistently throughout the year.
Pledges are a big help to the church in terms of planning. If you’re looking to take your acts of generosity to a new level, consider committing to a pledge this year.